Anyuka helyén marad!

Utolsó kommentek

  • Pénztörténet: (2013.12.23. 13:15) Árulás és koncepciós per az ezerforintoson
  • sztahanov: tudni kell mikor feladni, en pl most harom ora keresgeles utan feladtam. (2010.08.25. 22:58) Blob
  • sztahanov: ez mar jobb, de most dolgozom epp :-) (2010.08.25. 12:45) Blob
  • Utolsó 20

Friss topikok

  • Pénztörténet: (2013.12.23. 13:15) Árulás és koncepciós per az ezerforintoson
  • sztahanov: tudni kell mikor feladni, en pl most harom ora keresgeles utan feladtam. (2010.08.25. 22:58) Blob
  • Gm: :))) (2010.03.21. 19:33) Szakácskések I. – A séfkés
  • gasztromán: Nagy örmmel olvastam a boltról a cikket! Én is felfedeztem, kb. fél évvel ezelőtt. Tényleg unikum ... (2009.07.29. 23:47) azbeszt - Marha jó!
  • burqus: Köszi a poszt beidézését és a jó hír terjesztését. Viszont a képeken egérmozgatásra felpattanó abl... (2008.09.28. 18:03) A legjobb kínai vendéglő


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Dave Winer says I sound like a monkey

2007.10.08. 12:00 Scobleizer sztahanov

Hmmm, I used the words “social graph” in this interview with Randi Zuckerberg, director of business development at Facebook. Dave Winer, yesterday, said that anyone who uses that term sounds like a monkey. She gave her definition of Social Graph at about 14:39. Everyone who is…

Címkék: sn

Thank you, Dave Winer

2007.10.08. 11:59 Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog sztahanov

I tried to ignore the term "social graph" when it first started popping up a few weeks ago. For one thing, it sounded like some sort of embarrassing disease; for another, the idea of having to figure out some arcane new Web 2.0 term was depressing. But the term - or is it a meme? - kept on…

Címkék: sn

How to avoid sounding like an monkey

2007.10.08. 11:58 Scripting News sztahanov

A few weeks ago a well-respected developer wrote a blog post about something he called the "social graph." A graph, to most people, is a diagram like the one on the right, which plots the value of a stock over time. For 99.99 percent of the people this is what a graph is. For a very small…

Címkék: sn

Gawker Media's Newest Contributor: You

2007.10.08. 11:56 Epicenter sztahanov

Time might have nominated you as the Person of the Year, but Gawker Media, the publisher of such popular blogs as Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and Kotaku, is savvier: The company is making you into a contributor -- if you're a commenter, that is. Gawker owner Nick Denton stopped by the Wired News offices…

Címkék: blogok kommentek sn

The Web Changes How We Define Friendship

2007.10.08. 11:53 Micro Persuasion sztahanov

There's an old saying: "you can never have too much money or friends." But that's before social networking came along. And while the adage for money still rings true, a shift maybe under way in how we define friendship. You can thank the web and social nets for that. The American…

Címkék: sn

A Proposal for Social Network Interoperability via OpenID

2007.10.08. 11:51 Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life sztahanov

Disclaimer: This blog post does not reflect future product announcements, technical strategy or advice from my employer. Disregard this disclaimer at your own risk. In my previous post Some Thoughts on Open Social Networks, I gave my perspective on various definitions of "open social…

Címkék: openid

Organizing Chaos: Folders vs Labels vs Search

2007.10.08. 11:50 Google Operating System sztahanov

When Google launched Gmail in 2004 many people wondered why it doesn't have folders. Gmail let you organize your messages using labels, which act like virtual folders: you can place a message in more than one folder.Every computer user understands the concept of folder:"In computing, a…

Címkék: google ui labels

Orkut Redesign

2007.10.08. 11:40 Google Blogoscoped sztahanov

Google yesterday announced they’ll be rolling out a new look for their social network Orkut. It’s only being shown to a small portion of users right now. I can’t see it, for instance, but others now posted their screenshots, like the one below by (Creative Commons…

Címkék: ui orkut sn

Facebook *is* opening up

2007.10.08. 11:38 Scripting News sztahanov

And it's starting to happen right now, today in fact. I reported earlier on a new feed in Facebook, allowing notifications to be visible outside the wall.It's getting reallll interesting -- I've found some more RSS feeds in Facebook's UI. 1. Friends Status Updates. Look for the subscription link in…

Címkék: facebook sn

Disqus Challenges CoComment

2007.10.08. 11:37 Mashable! sztahanov

CoComment had a good amount of time to get out ahead, but now the new blog comment startups are coming out in force. CoComment, you’ll remember, allowed users to track their comments across multiple sites and blogs via a bookmarklet, and (later) blog plugins. Disqus, from YCombinator-funded…

Címkék: kommentek


2007.10.08. 11:36 Reggeli Karma sztahanov

Dél-Koreában az emberek évente több mint 100 millió dollárt költenek avatarra, vagyis olyan kis rajzolt figurákra, melyeket kitehetnek az MSN Messenger ablakába, vagy feltehetnek a közösségi portálokra. Dél-Korea a jövő online világának boszorkánykonyhája, bár az ottani…

Címkék: sn

Blog Comment Systems Galore

2007.10.08. 11:35 Zoli's Blog sztahanov

What a difference (less than) two years make! Here I was complaining about losing half the conversation …. two months later three comment tracking services debuted: coComment , MyComments and co.mments. Of these three, coComment developed decent traction. Fast forward a year or so, and we…

Címkék: kommentek

Trying Out A New Comment System

2007.10.08. 11:34 A VC : Venture Capital and Technology sztahanov

I am lending a new startup a hand by letting them showcase their new comment system on this blog.I don't know how much I am supposed to say about them, so I'll stay silent on them for now.You'll notice that this post and the previous post and any future posts will be using the new comment system.I…

Címkék: kommentek

Intense Debate Soups Up Your Blog Comments

2007.10.08. 11:33 TechCrunch sztahanov

Colorado-based startup incubator TechStars has launched their second company today, Intense Debate. We covered TechStar’s first company, MadKast, earlier this week.Intense Debate is a souped-up blog commenting system that adds a lot of features for publishers and commenters alike. Installing…

Címkék: kommentek

Netvibes Launches Facebook Widget, Challenges Lock-In

2007.10.08. 11:25 Mashable! sztahanov

There’s a war being fought over ownership of your identity. Today Netvibes launches the Facebook Widget, which lets you view your Facebook notifications and friends within Netvibes. Data displayed includes links to your profile, friends and networks, and the usual counters for the number of…

Címkék: facebook sn

Lock-in and the web, day 2

2007.10.08. 00:43 Scripting News sztahanov

Every day I dish up a number of topics, it's never clear to me which, if any, people will find interesting. Yesterday the topic that got the flow was lock-in and Web 2.0. There were times when that topic would go over everyone's head, but today it's much on-topic, as people commit more and more of…

What Twitter is

2007.10.08. 00:42 Scripting News sztahanov

Congrats to the lead investors, Union Square Ventures and the angels, and the entrepreneurs. I've been reading various posts and comments, and see a thread that's still out there. People doubt that there's a way to make money with Twitter. To that I say, they haven't been reading this blog. Now…

Címkék: twitter sn

The Open Social Network

2007.10.08. 00:41 A VC : Venture Capital and Technology sztahanov

We've got social networks with lots of users, like MySpace, Beebo, Facebook, etc, and we've got open social networks like Marc Canter's People Aggregator and Marc Andreessen's Ning. But we really don't yet have an open social network with a lot of users. Facebook took a step in that direction when…

Címkék: facebook sn

Lock-in becomes a Web 2.0 issue

2007.10.08. 00:40 Scripting News sztahanov

Amazing piece on Mashable, finally the issues we've been writing about here for 10-plus years are starting to surface in dramatic terms in the commercial space. To all vendors who are tuned in, look for ways you're keeping your users from managing their own data. The users are getting educated,…

Címkék: facebook sn

What about Feedburner?

2007.10.08. 00:39 Scripting News sztahanov

Continuing the Status of the Platform story...5. You know I've been writing about Feedburner, and its potential of being a disaster for the RSS micro-industry. An email from Daniel McKeown this morning got me thinking, why don't we fix the problem? Maybe because most programmers have good log…

Címkék: feedek

State of the Platform, 2007 edition

2007.10.08. 00:38 Scripting News sztahanov

1. The great thing about the Internet was and is that it's the platform without a platform vendor. That's why it has been the engine of growth and innovation for so long, over thirty years now. There's no entity with eminent domain to forclose on a developer's relationship with customers. And none…

Your Website's UI is Synonymous with Your Brand

2007.10.08. 00:37 Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life sztahanov

Jerff Atwood has a blog post entitled Google's Number One UI Mistake where he writes Google's user interface minimalism is admirable. But there's one part of their homepage UI, downloaded millions of times per day, that leaves me scratching my head: Does anyone actually use the "I'm…

Címkék: ui

A-List Technology Bloggers: What Are They Good For?

2007.10.08. 00:36 Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life sztahanov

Mike Torres has a blog post entitled A-listers don't always "get it" where he writes It used to be fun watching the "A-list" bloggers discover the obvious things that folks outside the U.S., little kids, and even big companies have been tracking for months; sometimes…

Social Network Exhaustion (or Facebook Bankruptcy Redux)

2007.10.08. 00:35 The Jason Calacanis Weblog sztahanov

Today I'm waking up with the Smashing Pumpkins ringing in my ears and my ego search ringing off the hook. My throat and head are about 60-70% healed and looking back on my last couple of posts about turning off comments and declaring Facebook bankruptcy and asking: was my physical…

Címkék: facebook sn

Slap in the Facebook: It's Time for Social Networks to Open Up

2007.10.08. 00:33 Wired Top Stories sztahanov

Forget Facebook. We're placing an open call to the web programming community to create a new social networking framework based on open standards.

Címkék: facebook sn

Is Outsourcing My Pownce Identity Smart?

2007.10.08. 00:32 Chris Pirillo sztahanov

Heh. The Pownce identity saga continues - with this post from the Chris Pirillo proxy (who doesn’t appear to be malicious, and raises good points): Why would anyone be the fake Chris Pirillo? Well, unless you are a Chris Pirillo, Leo Laporte, Robert Scoble or whoever… you will…

Címkék: sn

Facebook Bankruptcy

2007.10.08. 00:30 The Jason Calacanis Weblog sztahanov

Today I'm declaring Facebook Bankruptcy in addition to comment bankruptcy.I can't keep up with the friend requests, the requests to confirm how we know each other, the requests to tell you I like you, the requests to tell you I want your to tell me what movies you want to tell me about, etc.I've got…

Címkék: facebook sn

Calacanis asks deep questions about social networks

2007.10.08. 00:30 Scobleizer sztahanov

So Jason “no comments” Calacanis answers me, and others, back about his increasing dislike of Facebook and other social networks.First of all, for the record, Jason is right. Facebook sucks. Twitter sucks. Pownce sucks. Jaiku sucks. Kyte sucks. Etc and etc.Why? Because they take time.But…

Címkék: facebook sn

Pownce: Social Networks aren’t Identity Networks

2007.10.08. 00:29 Chris Pirillo sztahanov

Interesting. Someone just told me that I was on Pownce - which is odd, because I never signed up for an account. Lo and behold, here “I” am. I’m not terribly upset about it at this point, but that’s pretty much my identity - and the people following “me” may not…

Címkék: sn

Cloning Web 2.0: A Look at Copycat Applications

2007.10.08. 00:27 Read/WriteWeb sztahanov

I know I recently railed against copycat sites -- I assure you that the irony of this post isn't lost on me. But as they say, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." As I said in my post 3 weeks ago, "if you do feel the need to borrow an idea, you should definitely make changes…

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