Turn Gmail (or any E-mail Account) Into a Social Network Hub
2007.10.11. 03:35 Micro Persuasion sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
Címkék: google gmail sn
Turn Gmail (or any E-mail Account) Into a Social Network Hub
2007.10.09. 17:50 Micro Persuasion sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
Címkék: google gmail sn
Social Gmail
2007.10.07. 14:31 Google Operating System sztahanovGoogle has an emerging social network and it doesn't use it. No, I don't talk about orkut or Socialstream (which was only sponsored by Google). Gmail, Google's most successful project if we leave search aside, has the potential of gathering information from all the other Google services that can be…
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: gmail sn

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