Google To “Out Open” Facebook On November 5
2007.10.12. 16:50 TechCrunch sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Facebook *is* opening up
2007.10.08. 11:38 Scripting News sztahanovAnd it's starting to happen right now, today in fact. I reported earlier on a new feed in Facebook, allowing notifications to be visible outside the wall.It's getting reallll interesting -- I've found some more RSS feeds in Facebook's UI. 1. Friends Status Updates. Look for the subscription link in…
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Netvibes Launches Facebook Widget, Challenges Lock-In
2007.10.08. 11:25 Mashable! sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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The Open Social Network
2007.10.08. 00:41 A VC : Venture Capital and Technology sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Lock-in becomes a Web 2.0 issue
2007.10.08. 00:40 Scripting News sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Social Network Exhaustion (or Facebook Bankruptcy Redux)
2007.10.08. 00:35 The Jason Calacanis Weblog sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Slap in the Facebook: It's Time for Social Networks to Open Up
2007.10.08. 00:33 Wired Top Stories sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Facebook Bankruptcy
2007.10.08. 00:30 The Jason Calacanis Weblog sztahanovToday I'm declaring Facebook Bankruptcy in addition to comment bankruptcy.I can't keep up with the friend requests, the requests to confirm how we know each other, the requests to tell you I like you, the requests to tell you I want your to tell me what movies you want to tell me about, etc.I've got…
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Calacanis asks deep questions about social networks
2007.10.08. 00:30 Scobleizer sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Is Facebook Worth the Hype?
2007.10.07. 15:59 Read/WriteWeb sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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Facebook's Achilles Heel: Handling Multiple Social Contexts
2007.10.06. 01:48 Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life sztahanovHow social networks handle multiple social contexts (e.g. my work life versus my personal life) has been on my mind this week. Today I was in a meeting where someone mentioned that most of the people he knows have profiles on both MySpace and Facebook because their real friends are on MySpace while…
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The Facebook Age Distribution
2007.10.05. 09:30 A VC : Venture Capital and Technology sztahanovSzólj hozzá!
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