Shared by eszpee
omg wtf lol
"Under normal circumstances, this works just fine. The function keeps subtracting either 365 or 366 until it gets down to less than a year's worth of days, which it then turns into the month and day of month. Thing is, in the case of the last day of a leap year, it keeps going until it hits 366. Thanks to the if (days > 366), it stops subtracting anything if the loop happens to be on a leap year. But 366 is too large to break out of the main loop, meaning that the Zune keeps looping forever and doesn't do anything else.
The unfortunate part is that there isn't anything that can be done to fix this besides somehow changing what the clock is set to (which is exactly what the battery disconnection trick ends up doing). On the other hand, it shows that Microsoft is correct: tomorrow, everyone's Zunes will operate normally again. However, if Microsoft doesn't fix this part of the firmware, the whole thing will happen all over again in 4 more years.. Hopefully by then a fix will be in place." (innnen van)
Istenem, ezt nem hiszem el... Remélem, hogy benne lesz a Win7-ben is mert akkor nagyobb lenne a füst (:
És a végére a legszebbet, a hibáról szóló Zune FAQ-ból:
Q: Will you update the firmware before the next leap year (2012)?
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