Some hackers gained access to the admin’s account on said site and had a bit of “fun”. While their actions are questionable the exposed material is quite interesting. Of course we cannot be sure it is legit.
I cropped and stitched the following screenshot for easier watching (the original was too wide):
List of donations for December 2007 (original file: screenshot1.PNG)
Judging by the admin’s reaction these numbers are correct. This is quite a lot of money and I wonder what other sites get. Before you jump to conclusions about what OiNK might have gotten with that much bigger userbase, keep in mind that OiNK did not give you ANYTHING in return for a donation except for that fuzzy warm feeling and a next to your username. This site [] actually is “pay2leech” and thus generic selfish John Doe has a motivation to “donate” (buy upload credit).
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